robert bryan crockett

Author - cross-eyed optimist

about robert

Robert Bryan Crockett is the author of Cross-eyed Optimist: How I Learned to See in 3D and Straightened my Eyes with Vision Therapy. He was born and raised in Concord, Massachusetts and lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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early vision challenges

After developing crossed eyes (strabismus) as an infant, Robert underwent two eye muscle operations by the age of five. He was left with two eyes that appeared straight but did not work together effectively. All his life, doctors told him he’d never see in 3D.

overcoming obstacles

Despite his vision challenges, he became a pilot, master boat builder, MBA recipient and life coach–by first hiding his problem, then learning how to adapt to a world he couldn’t see properly.

better late than never

At 70, he discovered vision therapy – a non-invasive method of retraining the brain and harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to see in 3D. This is Robert’s story of a lifelong struggle, and the joy of finally getting his eyes to work as a team. As an optimist, he never gave up, and encourages others to consider vision therapy, a proven alternative to surgery.

 Available books

Cross-eyed Optimist is on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, Nook and others.

#1 in Amazon’s Hot New Releases - Ophthalmology

#1 in Teaching Visually-Impaired Students

#2 in Optometry

Reviews - Five stars on Amazon

“What an intimate journey through a life of troubled vision. Bob’s story is told with honesty and insight that is both an emotional journey and a valuable learning experience. Hats off to his courageous battle and wonderful victory. He deserves every minute of the rest of his 3D life.”

Gord, customer

“Great read!”

U.S. customer

“Thank you so much for writing your experience. Your book and Susan Berry's book will help in new ways of thinking about vision and neuroplasticity.”

U.S. customer