Love writing, hate marketing?
A well-crafted manuscript is the first step to success. After that, the difference between high and low book sales is…(drumroll)…marketing. It’s about raising your profile as an author, and, marketing to readers who want to buy your book. If marketing is a big mystery to you, or you don’t have the time, we offer several levels of service to suit your needs and budget.
Cover design for books
We’ll connect you with the right designer to make sure your book hops off the shelf.
Formatting for digital, print and audio books
We’ll get your book formatted in the way that best serves your audience.
Multiple promo blurbs
Short, medium, long blurbs for book covers and sales platforms.
marketing research
Market research and custom marketing plan for your book.
Media kit
Everything you need to market your book successfully.
Launch event
Plan for your dream event: Your book launch!

Marketing is key to sales, yet it’s the number one reason why books fail
Why work with novaheart media?
You’ve worked hard to write a book, and now you are excited to sell it. So far, so good, right? Not so fast. Before the sales start rolling in, you need to complete some essential steps to get your book into the marketplace and tell the world about your book.
Whether it’s a time factor, you don’t like ‘selling yourself’, or you don’t know how to market your book–it is still essential. Why? Marketing is the common factor behind all successful books–even for bestselling authors! People need to know your book exists.
If you love writing, but don’t understand the indie publishing and book marketing we can help. We offer several affordable consulting packages that will guide you through the complexities of self-publishing.
consulting packages
indie starter $895
You put the finishing touches on your manuscript and feel a shiver of excitement. Congratulations! Then you think OMG, what now? First time and established writers have many questions about how to enter the marketplace, and this is where we shine. Our customized indie starter package outlines what you need to know to become a successful indie writer.
Here’s what’s included:
Initial Discovery Call - describe your book, goal and plans
One 60-minute session to discuss the steps needed to get your book into the marketplace (and there are many!)
A one-page summary of the call, and recommendations
One 60-minute follow-up session to discuss the report and prioritize tasks
A checklist of tasks to guide you through the process
Topics may include: book format pros & cons (print, eBook, audio), pricing, distribution and retail strategies (Amazon, Kobo, Nook, Apple, Google, bookstores, libraries), going exclusive vs. wide publishing, competitive analysis, author platform, promotional writing, social media strategy, cover design and interior formatting, media plan, promo blurbs and author bio.
ongoing support $300
Maybe you’ve started to self-publish and you encounter something you don’t know, or you need further details on a particular topic (see list above). To help you, we offer a helpful $300 support package, which gives you three hours of consulting.
here’s how it works:
Questions can be asked by email or on the phone
You can ask a single question, or multiple questions.
Time will be charged in 15-minute blocks, which gives you 12 blocks of time for $300
You will be notified when there are 30 minutes left in your package, and you can add more hours to your account
customized marketing plan
You uploaded your book to Amazon and let your family and friends know your book is live - high fives all around! Then all goes quiet and nothing happens.
If you aren’t sure how to: market your book, optimize your Amazon seller’s page, create an author platform, write promo and social media posts, organize a book launch (live or online), sell online, create promotional activities or special events, we can help.
Our customized marketing plan offers you real strategies and tactics, based on your skill set and capacity. You get full control - to either do the work yourself, or hire the professionals needed at every step.
here’s our process:
Initial Discovery Call - describe your book, goal and plans, so that we can understand the scope of your project, followed up with a quote.
Fill out a questionnaire to capture the practical details
One 60-minute session to discuss your needs and capabilities. (some people want to do their own marketing, while others want to hire experts)
Deliverable - a 6 to 10 page marketing plan with actionable plans, recommendations and tasks, based on our discussions.
Two hours of ongoing support during implementation (by email or phone).
Please contact us for a quote
Note: Prices subject to change without notice.
there’s no one-size-fits-all for your marketing.
A one-size marketing package does not fit all books equally! Prices will vary depending on factors such as book type (fiction/non-fiction), genre, format and distribution. For a custom quote, fill out the form below.
About NovaHeart Media
Independent publishing offers amazing opportunities for writers today. As an indie author, you’ll have full control of your book, shorter timelines to get into the market, and you’ll keep more revenue. What’s not to like?
The challenge is with the marketing–it’s a complex process that changes constantly. Selling books is not about doing everything, it’s about selecting the right strategy within your budget, to sell your book.
That’s why NovaHeart can help. In addition to more than 30 years of marketing experience, we invest time every single day, learning about the latest techniques and opportunities in the publishing world–so you don’t have to.
Frequently asked questions
I have a great manuscript I’d like to send to you. Will you publish my manuscript?
No, sorry. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts (including those from agents) for publication. We are not a traditional publisher. What that means: we do not take the financial risk on behalf of an author, we don’t pay an author advance and we do not carry out the marketing in exchange for a percentage of your book sales. That is not our service model.
So, what is NovaHeart’s service model?
We assist writers in getting their work into the marketplace by offering select freelance services. The advantage is that you only pay for the services you need. For example, you may not want to prepare a manuscript for the marketplace, but you can take it from there. We can do that. Or, you may be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the marketing–however, you don’t know how to market Sci-Fi or Women’s Fiction. We do the research and create the plan for you to put into place. And for those who only want to write and do none of the prep and marketing, we have a Premium package.
What happens if I pay you for a marketing plan, but then I don’t have the time to implement it. Can I pay you to do it?
Possibly. We can review the project and figure out a way to help you implement the plan on your behalf–subject to our capacity and availability. What this means is that we may have other projects on the go, and we’ll be happy to help you when our schedules open.
What if I pay you to market my book and then it doesn’t sell?
As authors, this is a risk we all take. We do not offer any sales guarantees. Why? You may believe you have a great book; however, the market decides. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it’s true. Sometimes people write amazing books that don’t sell, others write mediocre books that sell a lot–it’s about being in the right place at the right time.
For example: maybe you wrote a novel about a boss sexually harassing the main character. Suddenly, the #metoo movement arrives out of nowhere–and your book is a hot topic. These situations are rare, but they do happen.
BTW, we don’t encourage people to ‘write to trend’ (it’s always over by the time you finish your manuscript)–we encourage you to ‘write from the heart’. You’ll have a much greater chance at succeeding.
So, how do we know if a book will sell?
We don’t. Publishers face this all the time and that’s why they turn down most book proposals. And out of the few books they select, most don’t sell a huge amount; and they rely on a few big successes to even out the sales.
With NovaHeart, you as the author are taking the risk–and if you are successful, you keep a lot more of the revenue. That’s the incentive.
Why can’t you tell me how many books I’ll sell?
Because we don’t know (or we’d tell you). And if any company makes a promise about how many books you’ll sell–run away fast and keep your money. The truth is, there are millions of books for sale on Amazon, Apple and other platforms–and most don’t sell a lot. A few books hit the Mother lode–sometimes it’s due to marketing, other times sheer luck, or even a coincidence. That’s a fact. So, only you can decide if you believe in the project enough to take the financial risk.
So why even market at all, if you don’t know?
What we can tell you: if you don’t do any marketing, you will not sell many books–it’s a simple fact. Even best-selling authors market their work, each time they launch a book. It’s about letting people know it’s out there and finding the people who are most interested in reading your book.
Do you offer ghostwriting services?
Sorry, we do not offer ghostwriting services.
Want to find out more? Let’s talk
We’re a small, but mighty team at NovaHeart. We create a customized marketing plan for each writing project. Therefore, to ensure each customer gets our full attention, we only work with a few writers annually. We currently have a waiting list. To find out if we are a good match to work together, and our availability, please get in touch.