NovaHeart Media helps writers to fulfill their dreams by providing custom marketing services, training and mentoring
The Story of NovaHeart
Founder Gina Brown worked in marketing for over 30 years, the last four as a consultant. In her spare time, she wrote lifestyle pieces, travel articles, short stories and screenplays. Then she wrote a novel and dreamed of publishing it.
Knowing the chances to find a publisher were slim, Gina applied her marketing expertise to the publishing world. She researched for a year and learned that successful book marketing is a combination of knowledge and hands-on work. During that time, she found indie publishing to be fascinating, complex and ever-changing—and offering incredible potential for writers.
Then a curious thing happened. Every time she mentioned her publishing plans to someone, she learned they were either writing a book, had written one (and didn’t know how to market it), or had a ‘great book idea’ and no idea where to start. They asked her how to do it.
From that, NovaHeart was born. Even before launching, there was a waiting list of people seeking help. She believes NovaHeart can support people as they pursue their creative writing and publishing dreams.

“The Creative Sparks workshop was very succinct and productive with just enough extra information to make me want another one...soon!”
Susan Miller, Writer
What’s in a Name?
The name NovaHeart was selected from a list of possible names: It was easy to remember, it felt right from day one and people lit up when they heard the name. Every time another name was considered, ‘NovaHeart’ kept shouting ‘pick me, pick me!’. It was meant to be.
According to Founder Gina Brown, “The word ‘Nova' refers to my beloved home province ‘Nova Scotia’ which is Latin for ‘New Scotland’. ‘Nova’ is also a star that suddenly burns a million times brighter full of energy and intensity. ‘Heart’ refers to the innermost core – as in getting to the heart of thoughts, feelings and emotions through writing.”
let’s get started.
write your book
We’ll help you to set reasonable goals, establish strong writing habits, and provide support to keep you on track. If you commit to the plan and do the work, you’ll see your writing project come together–or your money back.
market your book
For indie authors managing tasks like book design, promo blurbs, ISBN number, a media kit and launch event can feel overwhelming. Further, many writers cringe at the thought of promoting themselves (any introverts out there?).
book a consult
To find out how we can help you, get in touch!